Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects - OUT OF THE SHADOW INTO THE LIGHT

CONTEXT exhibitions

14/05/2022 a 15/09/2023



It is not uncommon for contemporary jewelry designers to present themselves as gallery owners along with their work. The opposite is much more common. Most contemporary jewelry galleries are run by at least one gallery owner who also designs jewelry himself.
These gallery owners often organize exhibitions of others and therefore tend to be in the shadows.
In the exhibition "Out of the Shadow into the Light" this time they themselves come to light so that they can also show their own skills, as an artist and not as a gallery owner.

This also applies to Luis Acosta, who has mainly acted as curator of jewelry exhibitions in recent years.


Exhibition curated by designer Luis Acosta.


In Context Gallery from May 14th to June 30th, 2022

Opening: Saturday, May 14th at 12 noon.


Participants: Luis Acosta, Ana Pina, Laura González, Gema Barrera, Pascal a MarcaPlace: Galeria CONTEXT
Carrer de Viñolas, 8-10 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Bcn)

Some work exhibited

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