Context Gallery, jewels and contemporary objects

Ana García-Moya

OTROMUNDO… I make otherworldly pieces …I like to look for people’s reaction, whatever it is. I don’t seek inspiration, it finds me, I like to observe my surroundings and to look at what nobody sees. Details, which are important for me and may not be for others, is what I try to reflect in my jewellery. I like to use all types of materials.


(Barcelona, 1982) She lives and works in Barcelona. She studied Gemology and Jewellery at l’Escola d’Arts i Oficis in Barcelona. She studied Artisitc Jewelley at l’Escola d’Art del Treball in Barcelona. She carried out individual and collective exhibitions in Barcelona, Madrid, Legnica, Poland, Lille de France, Rome, Munich and others. She has participated in conferences, workshops and publications related to jewellery. In 2007 she wins the Prize for the most original piece of work in Legnica, Poland. In 2007 she creates her own brand OTROMUNDO.


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  • Earrings "Fireta"
  • Earrings "Fireta"
  • Pendant "De reparto"
  • Pendant "Fireta"
  • Ring "Fireta"
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